Sunday, January 08, 2006


(When singing, "Lord's Army") "I left my horse at home..."

Personal Space: VIOLATED

"Don't touch my cheek with that icky long thing!"

Anatomy of, neck and neck?

"Pretend my neck is connected to your neck..."

Say again...

"I'm the oldest when I'm adult, grown up... I have a bunk bed."

It's definitely brass...

"Look, its a Trumpinit."

The blue dan "gube"?

"My 'gube' is when I stick my shoe into the hole."

Contemporary Christianity Today

(Asked: What will happen if I don't have my Bible?) "You tan't get into heaven."


"I left my Abc's at home..."

Wipe that smile off your face...

(Asked: Where's your smile?) "I threw it at the monster!"

Grab the Halls...

"I didn't have a very good time (Christmas), cause I was throwing up."

To wax poetic...

"I got red, you got pinkish, rederish, pinkerish."

Call Barnum and Bailey...

"Its a sword sucker!"


(Gun Reference) "That 'pow stick' has two points on it; it squirts water and jelley."


"That books not a book, its a book."

Consumer expose'

"We were like, 'Uh oh, it's got poisen in it, we're never going to that store again.'"